Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Song With Significant Meaning to Me

                I enjoy listening to all genres of music. It just kind of depends on the day I guess as to what I want to listen to most. A song though that I think has significant meaning to me is “Don’t Blink” by Kenny Chesney. This is a country song, and I have heard it played on the radio for many years now, and I think it has a lot of meaning to it.  
            This song explains how life goes faster than you may think. From the lyrics of the song, you can get that it says you should do the things you want to do most first, because if you put them off for a later time, there might not be time left for you to do what it was that you wanted to do since life can go by so fast. In the song, Chesney simply says, “Take every breathe God gives you for what it’s worth.” (Kenny Chesney) I agree a lot with what is said in the lyrics of this song. If there is something that I want to do really bad, compared to something that I want to do, but not really bad, then I will definitely do what I really want to do the most first.
            I think the purpose for Chesney writing this song, was to get the point across to people who do listen to his music that life goes by fast, so do what you want to do now before there is no time left for you to do it. His audience for this song is people of high interest in country music. More specifically though, I think this would be targeted towards the younger generation, as they really do not realize how fast life can go by, as many adults probably have realized more how fast time does go. As I said before, the genre of music of this song is country. I think Chesney’s stance on this is to have a positive attitude, and to do everything you can to make yourself happy, and to do those things that will make you the most happy now before it is too late. The media of this song is spoken. You hear this song played at concerts, on television, and on the radio.


  1. This song truely highlights how life is short, and how we shouldn't let a moment pass without using it to the fullest. People often look at the past and think "what if" while the present passes them by. Buddha had it right when he said,

    "Do not dwell in the past,
    do not dream of the future
    concentrate the mind on the present moment."

  2. Great song. All of Kenny Chesney is great. Big fan of Kenny, and I actually went to a concert a couple years back.
