Tuesday, November 9, 2010


            Halloween is a holiday that I have always liked. I always went trick or treating when I was little with all of my friends. I loved getting candy when I was younger, and that was the main reason I liked to go trick or treating. I also liked to dress up for it. I don’t remember all of the different costumes that I wore each year, but one that I do remember the most was when I dressed up as a Pittsburgh Steelers football player. I had the whole outfit. I wore a Steelers helmet and jersey. When my mom and I shopped for the outfit, we couldn’t find any Steelers football pants, so I just wore a pair of black baseball pants that I had. I also didn’t own any football pads, so I put a bunch of long socks in the sleeves of the jersey, to make it look like I had the shoulder pads on. I wanted to feel like I was part of the Pittsburgh Steelers. When I was younger, I never really had any dislikes with trick or treating. Now, as I am much older and don’t trick or treat anymore, I find it funny how there are so many little kids that go trick or treating to as many as three different local communities. So many kids want to get as much candy as possible, so they go to as many area communities as they can. I don’t view this is a dislike really, but more so just find it funny. It’s always fun watching little kids come to the door asking for candy though. It’s a good holiday for younger kids, as well as people who are older.

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